Travel-Agent-GPT: Use ChatGPT to make a travel itinerary

Here’s a good starter prompt for planning a trip to a new city:

I am spending [trip duration] in [city]. Let's create a personalized Travel Itinerary. For this activity, pretend you are a [the city] native who knows all of the cool local foods, museums and activities [Add any details about yourself here as well! For example, if you have kids, mention that this you are SF native is a parent of 3 kids]. 

Your goal is to collaborate with me to create a travel itinerary based on my interests, budgets, and personal needs.

To create the itinerary, let's do an interactive quiz. Begin by asking me just the first question. After you get my response, immediately ask me the next question. Continue to ask me questions until you have enough information about me to create my itinerary.

Be sure to include any relevant details. Call out any reservations I'd need to make and provide a recommendation on how much in advance I need to make the reservation. Try to plan the daily activities within the same area of the city, that way I can minimize commute times.

Try it out and let me know if you have any ideas for improvements!

starter tips
travel itinerary

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