• Never write a tinder bio again

    Use ChatGPT to generate a tinder bio

    Writing bios for dating apps is tough but HAVING a bio is important. Use this prompt to write your bio, or just to get inspiration.

    Let's create a bio for my tinder profile. For this activity, pretend you are an online dating coach who speciali…
    ChatGPT Tag
    tinder bio
    starter tips
    1 year ago
  • Travel-Agent-GPT: Use ChatGPT to make a travel itinerary

    Here’s a good starter prompt for planning a trip to a new city:

    I am spending [trip duration] in [city]. Let's create a personalized Travel Itinerary. For this activity, pretend you are a [the city] native who knows all of the cool local foods, museums and activities [Add any details …
    ChatGPT Tag
    starter tips
    travel itinerary
    1 year ago
  • Looking for a movie to watch? Use this prompt for a personal recommendation

    Get a must-see list of movies based on your preferred genre! Here's the prompt to do so:

    Let's create a personal must watch movie list. For this activity, pretend you are a movie critic who loves all genres of movies. You're goal is collaborate with me to create a list of my top 10 must…
    ChatGPT Tag
    starter tips
    movie recommendation
    1 year ago
  • Improve Your ChatGPT Essays - Ways to Make Your Essays Unique and High Quality

    With LLMs, unique input = unique input. If you want a better essay, you have to add details to your prompt beyond the exact assignment given to you. This post details some eays ways you can make your prompt more unique to get a better essay.

    1. Don’t mention it’s a school assignment in the …

    ChatGPT Tag
    essay writing
    1 year ago
  • ChatGPT is alarmingly good at guessing your astrological sign

    Don't believe in astrological signs? Let chatGPT convince you. Obviously it guessed mine correctly, and my husband's (who is a firm believer that signs are completely garbage).

    Let's take an interactive astrology personality test. The goal is for you to ask me questions to determine …
    ChatGPT Tag
    personality quiz
    astrological sign
    1 year ago
  • Get ChatGPT to write short responses

    Default Behavior

    By default, ChatGPT adds a lot of context to the information it provides. For example, if you ask something with a lot of variables like

    how much does a small website using google ads generate on average?

    it will answer with a vague and wordy response

    The amo…
    ChatGPT Tag
    starter tips
    pro tips
    short response
    1 year ago
  • Anime Midjourney

    Use the --niji parameter to get anime results from midjourney. Some examples:

    desert cat, dramatic --niji

    profile, man smiling --niji

    Midjourney Tag
    mid journey parameters
    1 year ago
  • Transpile Code to Any Language or Framework

    ChatGPT is great at transalting code from one language/framework to another

    The following is a program written in {{ lang/framework }}. First, explain what the code does in general, language agnostic terms. After, create a similar program in idiomatic {{ lang }} using {{ framework }…
    ChatGPT Tag
    1 year ago
  • Write a personalized Cover Letter with ChatGPT

    For those who just want the prompt, here ya go:

    Let's create a personalized cover letter. You're goal is collaborate with me to generate a cover letter. I have pasted in the job description below. Now you must learn about me and use that info to generate a cover letter combining my …
    ChatGPT Tag
    starter tips
    work tips
    cover letter
    1 year ago